Umichan Sentoryu
SpiralVortexPlayVersion: v1.5 Renpy Remake
You are a rich guy but with all your money tied up in investments. With no cash to spend, you move in with attractive people you know in exchange for setting them up with a cafe business. With so many lovely distractions it becomes hard for you to focus! 12 H-scenes using 17+ different animations.
Added foreplay images to the interview h scenes for the main 4 cafe girls, Pattie, Leyah, Stacy and Jeni.
Added a different font for the character names
Hopefully fixed image gallery issues
Added foreplay images to the image gallery.
- Jeni x Kyle scene added
(Object to Kyle and Chester having sex with Holly) - Finished Replay Gallery
- Carl Having sex with Maiko is now optional for canon reasons
(after Carl finds Stacy and Leyah after the cafe opens.)
Installation Guide
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Umichan_Sentoryu.exe” to start playing.