Star Knightess Aura

Star Knightess Aura


Version: v0.41.3

4.5/5 - (182 votes)


Star Knightess Aura: A Descent into Depravity and Desire

Star Knightess Aura, by the daring developer aura-dev, shatters the mold of the “summoned to another world” trope, plunging players into a deliciously depraved odyssey. Aura, our unwitting heroine, finds herself yanked from her ordinary life and deposited in the fantastical realm of Roya. Initially, visions of a glorious adventure dance in her head – slaying beasts, forging bonds with loyal companions, and maybe even finding love in a land far, far away.

But the luster quickly fades as a malevolent curse bestowed by the tyrannical Demon King twists Aura’s fate. Cursed to confront her nemesis nightly in a realm of twisted dreams, Aura is forced to confront a terrifying truth – the Demon King isn’t just an external threat. His insidious magic has woven itself into the very fabric of her mind, a malevolent whisper promising a future of servitude and unimaginable pleasure.

Star Knightess Aura transcends the boundaries of a simple RPG. It delves into the psychological horror of mental manipulation, as Aura grapples with a relentless force that seeks to rewrite her desires, her loyalties, and the very core of her being. The line between reality and dreams blurs, desires morph into unsettling compulsions, and the promise of power intertwines with the threat of utter degradation.

This isn’t your typical damsel-in-distress narrative. Star Knightess Aura explores the complexities of consent, the intoxicating allure of forbidden pleasures, and the terrifying power dynamics of a mind under siege. Will Aura resist the seductive whispers of the Demon King, or will she succumb to the carnal desires that writhe within her very essence?

Are you ready to embark on a journey where the battle lines between good and evil are blurred? Can you withstand the relentless assault on your mind and body? Download Star Knightess Aura today and experience a world where eroticism and psychological torment intertwine in a story unlike any other.


Changelog 0.41.3 (19.04.2024)


  • Fixed collar revival causing item seal state to be healed

Changelog 0.41.2 (12.04.2024)


  • Fixed typos
  • Fixed using books not always targeting the correct actor
  • Fixed poison effect in swamp not ending when minibosses are dead
  • Fixed choice option for Assassinate rank III overwriting the rank II requirement

Installation Guide

1. Extract and run.

Developer Notes

Each ingame day is structured into 3 parts.

The player controls Aura and can explore the world of Roya to track down and kill the Demon King. In order to become stronger, acquire funds, and advance her search, she can rely on her own powers or ask people for help. However, not everybody means well with Aura. Performing lewd acts and compromising on Aura’s ideals by allowing innocents to suffer causes Aura to gain corruption.

The player controls Alicia, who uses Aura’s corruption to change her psyche. This includes changing her interests, increasing her interest in fashion, changing her appearance (including hair style/color changes), changing her values (making Aura more selfish), and ultimately changing her sexual desire and love interests.

The player watches cutscenes displaying Aura’s real self changing over time due to mental corruption. The cutscenes are told from varying character perspectives (Aura, her best friend Rose, her boyfriend George, and so on).

You have RPGM MZ and think some objects could use some flavor texts? Or maybe existing dialogue could use some more reactivity to the mental changes? It’s possible to contribute to the project using GitLab!


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