Corruption Town
BoredBasmatiVersion: v0.5c2
Game Info
Name: Corruption Town
Version: v0.5c2
Updated: 2024-05-07 15:53:48
Language: English
Engine: Unity
Platform: Android, Linux, MacOS, Windows
Genre: 3DCG, Corruption, Exhibitionism, Female protagonist, Groping, humiliation, Incest, Interracial, Masturbation, Milf, Shota, Sleep Sex, Stripping, Voyeurism
Forced to flee their home, Agnes and Henry arrive in the grand city of Grimsburg, packed to the brim with ill-intentioned men. With the help of Otto, the innkeeper of the Limping Duck, they will have to claw their way into this hostile environment or succumb to it. Corruption Town is a pure corruption game with a slow progression, which happens through gameplay and scripted sequences.
- New Agnes events
- New Henry events
- New stage for Advertisement Market
- New interaction bar:
- Flash Butt, Spread Ass, French Kiss, Slap Butt
- Kiss and Finger lick have now 4 corruption step
- New bar skill: Flash Butt, Spread Ass, Spike Drink, Pickpocket
- New cg for panties stealer
- You can now rename the 2 main characters on a new game
- New navigation system
- UI tweak
- Fixing bug, bug and bug
- Agnes bust no longer disappear after cleaning a table.
- Blowjob require less mouth desire to be triggered (80 mouth desire, 70 cock desire)
- Added CG for repeat market advertisement event (no new content).
- Pantiless variation for the After Work Relief event.
- Can no longer talk to a client, move, or clean a table when the shift is done.
- Show desire threshold per interaction when hovering over the desire gauge.
- Sounds are actually muted when the slider for a channel is set to 0.
- CityEvents are correctly serialized and loaded.
- Dialog’s callstack is properly saved for rollback.
- Harmonization of some UI menus.
- Updated bar tutorial.
- “Purge Persistent Data” should now work.
- Added a little cloth resistance buffer when it drops below 40 during the bar mini-game.
- ChatLog now appears behind dialog HUD.
- Satisfaction and Pleasure Gauge now appear in the drunk defeat state if appropriate skills are taken.
- Typing the H key when the codeInputMenu is open will no longer hide the dialog HUD.
- Lots of typos.
- Boosty Integration
- Saves that have a header shorter than the standard size are automatically deleted. (Corrupted)
- New Agnes event
- New Henry event
- Music and effect
- Recollection room for bar interaction
- Repeatable multi-stage Advertisement Event
- Pleasure Implementation (Still a bit primitive)
- New corruption system
- Pinch nipple / Lick nipple / Suck nipple interaction
- Removed the ability to add weakness to Agnes when starting the game, may be re-added later
- Tornado now target in priority the clicked client
- Bodypart desire / sensitivies are reset if loading from 0.3 or prior version
- A lot of corruption goal have been removed since they become redondant with the new corruption system.
- Can no longer interact with the interaction container when the skill windows is open
- UI updated
- Filter scene in the gallery by name
- Option to ask for confirmation on quick load
- A lot of bugfix/tweak/minor stuff that I don’t remember
- Proper bark for all lewd action
- Alcohol related corruption goal now properly unlock
- Fixed again the cutIn apparition bug
- Multiple insertion related corruption goal should properly unlock
- Fix typo inn performance recap
- Panties state should correctly appear when drunk defeat start
- Statistics should correctly appear for interaction triggered in night visit
- “Show Completed” button in corruption goal journal should no longer destroy statistics display
- Desire gauge now properly update on new corruption goal unlock
- FullyMappedColon will now properly trigger
- Some early dialogs have been rewritten
- Add an option to always get “complete” interaction in barmaid mini game
- Cum ingested is night visit is now properly registered
- Button in bar mini game should no longer flicker and interact with user pointer
- You can now close error message
- Slightly better reaction from Agnes during the Drunk Defeat scene
- Skip the day after a drunk defeat and send Agnes back home
- Slightly reduced the pc build size by compressing more images
– Fixed panties appearing on drink wine with low cloth durability
– Margaret last scene should properly unlock in the gallery
– CutIn should always appear now
– Fix ArgumentOutOfRange: Hanjob during drunk defeat
– Showing the ui during a mini game dialog no longer show the quick access bar
– Fix trying to dequeue empty queue during drunk defeat
Hopefully the last bugfix patch.
– Game will no longer crashes if a save preview image is missing
– Calendar is now the proper height to show all the day in a season
– KeyNotFound: kissingWaitress should be fixed, although the root cause has not been found yet if you have a reliable setup to trigger the error please hit me up
– Fix NPE during drunk defeat
– Added explanation of the desire system during the barmaid tutorial
– If a save is corrupted a more sober error messages should be shown. (auto and quick save)
– Reduce desire loss during the night to allow cold night second option to trigger
- Fix error message if you hit multiple time the “Start Shift” button
- Hide the more grindy or extremely random corruption goal
- You can now reset your skill tree at any point from the start
- New events for Henry
- You can now take control of Henry
- You can ignore Henry’s content; his events will not trigger and his progression will not be counted in the different indicators.
- Remake of the cold night scene
- Progression hints should be more helpful
- New corruption goal
- Corruption goals that require multiple occurrences of the same event now have a progress bar
- You can now check progression per character in the corruption journal
- Statistics page in the corruption journal
Barmaid mini-game
- New barmaid progression system: Skill Tree
- Kiss Interaction
- Lick Finger Interaction
- Control desire action now available
- Agnes can now get drunk
- Interactive scene if Agnes gets too drunk
- Interactions that have already been seen are now skipped or replaced by a cut-in
- Move to a table by clicking on the clients present there
- Switched some event triggers to be bound with the inn’s popularity
- You can see how much popularity is needed before the next event in the inn shift recap menu
- You can now open the save folder from the config menu
- New lewd events
- New conversations
- New location
- New corruption goals
- Shop added
- Bath mechanic
Barmaid mini-game
- Agnes emotion now appear outside of dialog
- Agnes will now react to every stage of cloth lose
- Client can now ask Agnes for favor
- Kiss cheeks interaction
- Flash breast/crotch interaction
- Pet pussy interaction
- Pet anus interaction
- Finger pussy interaction
- Finger anus interaction
- Agnes can now lose her panties between shift
– You can now show keyboard shortcut associated with action in the cityscreen or the barmaid minigame.
– Corruption Journal is now accessed via the diary button on the quick access bar, more information, like sexual statistics, will be shown here in the future.
– Icon now appear next to interactable objects in the background of the city screen.
– Updated the crash log.
– An icon will now appear next to a location if there is an event to trigger there. I could easily go overboard with this feature, so it only shows how to trigger events that are out of the normal play path, like the market of the conversation with Otto to trigger advertising1. If it’s not enough I may add more hint.
– Scroll wheel will no longer activate advance or rollback during dialog if the game is not in focus.
Barmaid Mini-Game
– Action now refresh different interactable states.
– You can no longer interact with client during their turn.
– Any menu will now disappear if you enter any minigame (barmaid or nightvisit)
– Table now highlight when you hover them.
– Added a new indicator to show when drink is spilled on table (Temporary, it does not look good ))
– Fixed a bug where tooltip could stay displayed even though mouse is not on interactable.
NightVisit Mini-Game
– You have now one more turn to take a look at your dirty deed.
Initial release
Installation Guide
1. Extract and run.
Developer Notes
Developer: BoredBasmati Patreon – SubscribeStar – Itch.io – Discord – Steam
~40 minutes of content.