![Bioasshard Arena [v0.5.328]](https://cunthub.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bioasshard_arena_in_cunthub.jpg)
Bioasshard Arena
VersusXVersion: v1.0.241
Bioasshard Arena: A Descent into Erotic (Un)Survival
For lovers of the Resident Evil franchise, a new wave of thrills is about to erupt. But this time, the T-Virus takes a backseat to a far more stimulating infection. Enter Bioasshard Arena, the brainchild of VersusX, a daring developer known for pushing boundaries. Here, we delve into a world where classic survival-horror gets a uniquely erotic twist, inspired by the beloved Resident Evil 2 and 5.
Bioasshard Arena isn’t your typical zombie-slaying romp. Yes, the familiar moans of the infected fill the air, but their hunger isn’t for flesh – it’s for a far more primal release. This twisted take on the Resident Evil formula throws players into a nightmarish arena, a warped parody of Raccoon City’s streets and iconic laboratories. However, the puzzles remain, their solutions now holding the key not just to escape, but to manipulating this perverse environment to your advantage.
Imagine, if you will, a Licker, its grotesque tongue lolling out in desperate anticipation, not for a bite, but for a far more intimate encounter. Or picture a pack of Hunters, their signature claws now gleaming with a suggestive glint. Bioasshard Arena revels in this subversion, crafting a world where the line between horror and erotic thrill blurs deliciously.
But fear not, thrill-seekers! This isn’t just a shallow exercise in shock value. The developers, clearly fans of the Resident Evil universe themselves, have woven a plot that pays homage to the classics. We can expect chilling moments that harken back to the claustrophobic dread of the Spencer Mansion, alongside the pulse-pounding action that made Resident Evil 5 a fan favorite.
The true genius of Bioasshard Arena lies in its ability to cater to a diverse range of erotic preferences. Whether you find dominance and submission arousing, crave the thrill of the hunt, or simply enjoy a good dose of exhibitionism, the arena offers a buffet of perverse possibilities. The puzzles themselves become laced with erotic tension, their solutions unlocking not just doors, but opportunities for carnal exploration.
So, are you ready to rewrite the rules of survival? Do you dare to enter the Bioasshard Arena, where horror and pleasure intertwine in a deliciously deviant dance? If you crave a unique and unforgettable experience, one that pushes the boundaries of both horror and eroticism, then prepare to face your deepest desires.
+New+ Mission 12
The last mission for the Arena. Similar to Mission 9, there you can test the mechanics -the newly added ones along with the rest-.
+New+ Explosive barrels system
For now, they won’t damage Julia, so take advantage of that XD.
+New+ Destructible wooden boxes/barrels system
A new way to obtain items and money.
+New+ Two new BJ S*xttack animation for the three average Infected -making a total of 6 “new” anims-
Well, sort of. Let me explain: It’s the already existing one that has a change of pace in between that caused some people to dislike it but divided into two separated animations, one for the slow part and another one for the faster part. Doesn’t add much but it was necessary to test how enemies behave having more than one S*xttack of specific type (in this case: the BJ).
+New+ Cheap Storm System (to add some atmosphere when necessary)
Pretty cheap indeed and it’s just a temp solution, the game will have a different one along with the rain effect. The new mission had to feature this and we decided to make the fastest and easiest method since it’s just for testing purposes.
+New+ Skin shader for Julia (temporal? it depends on your input)
Wanted to try this approach for a long time now, I had some time finally and here it is, would be cool if you let me know what you think about it. Do you like it more than the previous one or rather the opposite?
+New+ Credits Screen System (skippable after the first view)
Yep, it’s more than just a section in the included .txt file. If you want you get your name/nickname immortalized inside the Arena, now it’s your chance, look for the corresponding tier! (What a brilliant and sneaky way of asking for support huh, nobody will notice for sure XD)
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Sexttack pose
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Enemies
+New+ Stat system in Mission Selection Screen (is finally here!)
+New+ Three different kinds of locked door for puzzles and stuff (you can find them on Mission 12)
+New+ Face type (?) for Julia – a surprise Fantasy Card!
+New+ Surprise for the last mission (Mission 12)
+New+ Final update to the guide with all the info to get the most out of the Arena and its content, downloadable in PDF! (Will be made available soon, first enjoy the new Mission on your own ^_^)
+New+ 3 hair pubes styles (including a new fiber one) for Julia
+New+ Game Over System 2.0
+Change+ Tweaks made to enemies’ physics (y’know where lol to try and avoid those *things* going crazy when FPS can’t keep up high enough)
+Change+ Normal items can now have different radius of activation for the pop-up alert, making some of them harder/easier to find than others
+Fix+ When dying and retrying on missions with more than one level will cause the inventory and the Itembox to be empty and a mission restart will be necessary to “fix” that
+Fix+ Sometimes when playing a new version and using the Rank Card code won’t re-unlock the unlockables obtained in a previous version
+Fix+ There’s a few concrete cubes that allow Julia to get on unwalkable places on Mission 11, 3rd floor
+Fix+ The shelf hiding a door behind in Mission 9, cannot be moved enough to see/interact-with said door
Installation Guide
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “executable_name.exe” to start playing.
Developer Notes
What is Bioasshard?
o It’s a 3D game developed in Unreal Engine 4.
o It’s a pun based on Biohazard (You guessed I think). It’s an adult parody game based on the Resident Evil franchise.
o So you can expect a survival-horror (action-oriented) with infected enemies that will try to get some “relief” on you.
o The idea was born from our love to the Resident Evil franchise, specially to the 5th part. This one we played for over hundred hours. So yeah add this to our love for hentai games and the result? –Bioasshard.
o But don’t think this is just based on the action orientation the franchise got from Resident Evil 5 on ahead. Because the second RE game we love the most is the 2nd one. So there will be puzzles and some scary moments too.
What about the story of Bioasshard?
o One thing to keep in mind is: that the release we just made is Bioasshard Arena Playground, so this mean it’s not the game but the proof of concept for it so everyone can see how it is in its early stages of development. So there’s no story in the Arena. This said, the story for the game is already written.
o Have you wondered what would of have happened if c*pcom wouldn’t have destroyed Resident Evil with RE6?
o Well we did and this is the result.
o Bioasshard’s plot occurs right after the events of Resi-Evil 5. A few months later to be more specific.
o Avoiding spoilers, I’ll tell a few of our heroes has been captured and held hostage in a god-forsaken island to be used in some unknown experiments… So they’ll have to try and find an escape from there… And that’s all I can say for now :/.
How is it gameplay-wise?
o 3rd person shooter. With over-the-shoulder camera and closer view with aiming.
o I guess I can resume it saying: “it’s like Resident Evil 5 with some extra mechanics like puzzles and with sexual-attacks”.
o As for the controls, I’d like to say I wanted it focused for gamepad-play but I have no pc-gamepad so I couldn’t test it. The mechanics are there but untested. They should work but things like camera movement or aiming mechanics may feel rough. This obviously means you can play it with keyboard+mouse.
Adult content?
o One thing to keep in mind is: with this release there’s no CGs so there’s only “one element” of adult content. This said:
o It mainly focused on two types of content:
o Story-wise sex
o Enemy attacks, called Sexttacks. That’s the main effect the new virus causes on infected people: To search uninfected targets to ‘force’ them to have sex.
o The first type is the one that happens because of the story. This one is more cinematic and of a better quality than the second one.
o The sexttacks are the more common type (well it all depends on your skills to be honest). Right now, in the Arena, 3 different types are present.
Current state of the project?
o It’s been more than year since the development started. A lot of systems are already programmed and lots of them are already in the Arena.
o The majority of the systems has been already discussed during the Meguido’s Reports in Patreon.
o I’d say the 90% or more of the player’s mechanics are already done.
o The Infected have a basic AI in place they spot/hear you, they chase you, they attack you, they stun you then they sexttack you .
o Let’s ‘resume’ it this way:
What it has
- Resident Evil 5 character movement style
- Walk
- Run
- Quick-turn
- Jump up
- Jump Down
- Jump Over obstacles
- Aiming system with fire-weapons
- Aiming system with survival knife
- Quick Knife Attack
- Inventory (RE5-Style)
- Inventory shortcuts (easy access to inventory slots)
- Pause Menu
- Main Menu (Title-screen)
- Game Over Menu
- Patch/DLC system
- Interacting with: Doors, puzzles, items, key items…
- Infected basic AI
- Damage system based on damaged part for enemies (yeah aim for the head if you don’t want to make it the hard way)
- Damage system based on position to target for the Player (watch out for attacks from your back; they can get you stunned in no time)
- Physical attack system / Reaction system to sexttacks (a very useful area range counter-attack to get rid of the enemies around you)
- Climb ladders
- Enemy item-drop-when-dead system (some drop always, some drop randomly)
- Weapon upgrade system –not available yet in the Arena–
- Mod system for Infected’s look –not available yet in the Arena-
- Save system –not available yet in the Arena-
- Taunt –not available yet in the Arena-
- Map –not available yet in the Arena (and not necessary in there I think )-
- Gold system –not available yet in the Arena-
- Use Item system (like green/green+red/blue herbs) –not available yet in the Arena-
What it does not have (yet)
- More types of Infected (dogs, crows… you know the beloved fauna of the Resident Evil universe)
- Cloth damage system
- More variations in sexttacks
- More cameras in sexttacks
- Group sexttacks (the possibility for more enemies to join the party :3)
- More weapon types (only two in the Arena right now: pistol and survival-knife)
- Physical damage system (you know that feeling when you shot an enemy to the leg to go near him to get a context action attack to crush him down or get on his back to break his neck)
- A proper and smooth rig for Jill (with better breasts and ass reactions)
- A settings system (I guess this one is a must but got no input/interest for it in Patreon so went down in the priorities for launch list)
- Real animations for the infected (right now they’re dummy animations and poorly made with lots of errors)
- An Intermission screen (with a shop and where the weapon upgrade system is placed)
- A difficulty mode selection screen (you know, for different kind of players)
- Normalized audio and music
What we want to add
- A better Jill model overall (better look, better textures, better morphs, …)
- A proper physics interaction system (with real interactions and collisions for boobies and all)
- Transition animations for sexttacks (instead of that white flash)
- Smoother transitions for the different animations overall
- A more complex AI for the infected with the ability to jump obstacles and the ability to make better choices when attacking you in group
- Bosses, of course
- All the sequences/CGs to be real-time
- QTE-sequences (that op Chris combo-ing that gigantic rock in the middle of a volcano <3)
- And a lot more of that Resident Evil-esque universe stuff
Final words
o Depending on when you read this, before or after playing the Arena (yeah I know you can skip this wall-text and look for that highlighted word or link to download and start playing asap ), you may be wondering something about the length of the Arena. Even if you didn’t play it yet, I’ll tell you now: The Arena is really short…
o And with more than a year in development, why is it so short? (you may be wondering, or maybe not but I don’t really care because I’m going to explain you why anyway lol)
First let me say that the Arena 0.0.1 is no more than just a PoC (Proof of Concept)
With all the systems it has in place it would have been easy to make it longer (as long as I wanted it to be ^^) but there is an important problem:
The PC where the game is developed in.
These are the main specs of this archaic pc:
· AMD FX-4100 Quad-core @3.59 GHz
· 8Gb RAM
· AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (6738) 1024 Mb GDDR5
· MoBo basic fan so no OC is even possible
When making the last part of the Arena we realized it was impossible for this PC to handle anything more. So we had to redesign the level to finish the arena in there.
o With that cleared up it’s important to say this game is planned to be completely FREE… but your support is necessary and deeply appreciated to be able to continue developing it. And this is not something we’re saying just to increase numbers but because it’s a reality. We’re not lying and just in case you think we are, here’s a video so you can see how the game runs right now on the pc…
o Yeah if you compare it to the short videos above, you’ll notice a lot of differences. First one is in the above videos I could even use a recorder software while in this one I had to use my phone, because there’s no way in this world I can play it with the recorder open… In the past few weeks/month the pc has gone even worse and I’m pretty sure it’s about to die L. Constant crashes, black screens, forced hard resets that led to black screens instead of initializing windows, auto-resets with the same results (but in this case losing everything I had not saved), “out of video memory…” messages/crashes with the same result (losing everything unsaved) and the scariest/annoying one (scary because I really thought it was gonna die) is the one when trying to turn it off but it keeps resetting without even reaching the log-in screen and forcing me to turn it off via power supply. Meh… a nightmare but I had to keep on going, there’s no way I could throw so much time working on it to the trash can. Apart from that I have to apologize for the shitty resolution and quality but that’s the best my phone can do XD. In any case just so you can confirm you can’t blame my phone for the bad framerate in the video, the second part of the video is there so you can take a look how’s the quality of the phone when recording something normally (And also the world debut of my little rabbit called Pepito <3).
o Sorry for the crying, that’s not cool nor even correct but I really wanted to let you know why we need your support.
![Bioasshard Arena [v0.5.328]](https://cunthub.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bioasshard_arena_in_cunthub.jpg)

![Bioasshard Arena [v0.5.328]](https://cunthub.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bioasshard_arena_in_cunthub-3.jpg)