Minotaur Hotel [v0.6.1]
MinoHotelVersion: 0.6.1
Minotaur Hotel is a sentiment visual novel about Asterion – – the minotaur from the old greek legend – – and what he’s experienced throughout the long term.
During an excursion you secure the deed for an enchanted, run down lodging sitting on a bluff sitting above a valley. There you meet the guardian – – Asterion. As the new proprietor you will attempt to reestablish the lodging to its previous magnificence and acquire visitors. In the mean time you will find out about Asterion, his wrongdoing and the sentence the divine beings forced on him.
The valley underneath contains numerous mysteries which will uncover more about the past and the divine beings – – yet it likewise houses numerous dangers. Convey investigation groups to search for answers and assets.
- Fixed a lot of typos spotted throughout the game.
- Added a progress bar to the daily agenda sidequests, so players get a better idea whether they’re worth the time investment or not.
- On the desktop version, information and menus for characters on the team management screen are now displayed when clicking and not hovering, which plenty of players found annoying to navigate.
- Added an “available projects” tab on the daily agenda that shows the possible R&D projects the player can work towards and their requirements.
- Added an “idle” column to the daily agenda screen, since players kept forgetting to assign guests that were not busy.
- Accumulated danger and surveying stats are no longer displayed for math background players, since they don’t really contribute to new rewards (and danger in particular makes players think there are negative consequences for piling it up and refuse to put characters on exploration).
- Increased font size on some clickable elements like confirmation messages, since they’re finicky and hard to click on mobile.
- Removed some confirmation messages on the daily agenda to make navigation faster.
- Added a button on the quick menu to go directly to the files.
- Just for the record, some people requested a button on the mobile version to hide the UI. This is already there. It’s the eye.
- By popular demand, the achievements menu can now be accessed during regular gameplay and not just the main menu.
- Added a small mention of Greta’s project folder and the player character’s lead armband not being poisonous, since enough people asked about what happened with both of those.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs, including:
- The cobalts no longer appear on the waiter uniforms at the start of 0.5 if the player loads an 0.4.1 save from the end of build message.
- A “stop here if you’re doing QA” message at the start of chapter 18 has been deleted.
- Some small dialogue changes meant to play out differently if the player tricked argos on the first encounter didn’t happen, they do now. It’s not very substantial but still worth fixing.
- When moving characters around through drag and drop on mobile, sometimes the selected sidequest was not reset.
- Added a couple more community-suggested responses Jean can give to your contact name.
Installation Guide
1. Extract and run.