Brothel Megacorporation

Brothel Megacorporation

Khing Orchestra

Version: v0.22

3.8/5 - (155 votes)

Game Info

Name: Brothel Megacorporation

Version: v0.22

Updated: 2024-04-26 08:36:14

Language: English

Engine: Ren'Py

Platform: Android, Linux, MacOS, Windows

Genre: Anal Sex, Big Tits, Creampie, Defloration, footjob, Gloryhole, Lactation, Male Protagonist, Management, Milf, Multiple Penetration, Pregnancy, prostitution, Public Use, Simulation, Swinging, Trainer, Voyeurism


Brothel Megacorporation: Where Pleasure is Power and Ambition is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac

Welcome to Epifania, a neon-drenched metropolis where indulgence reigns supreme. In Khing Orchestra’s “Brothel Megacorporation,” you’re not just building a brothel – you’re crafting an empire of pleasure, a monument to human desire, and a testament to your own cunning.

Forget the seedy back alleys; “Brothel Megacorporation” throws you headfirst into the world of high-stakes pleasure. You’re an outsider, a dreamer with grit and ambition in a city where wealth whispers promises of power. Your unlikely savior – a notorious “Devil Investor” with a discerning eye for potential. Her proposition? Transform a derelict building into the most opulent, erotically-charged megacorporation Epifania has ever seen.

This isn’t just about managing courtesans (though that’s certainly a crucial aspect). “Brothel Megacorporation” is a strategic dance of desire and domination. You’ll train your courtesans in the art of seduction, nurturing their unique talents and personalities. But that’s just the beginning. You’ll delve into the cutthroat world of corporate espionage, manipulating markets and crushing your competitors with ruthless efficiency.

But fear not, pleasure is the true currency of “Brothel Megacorporation.” As your empire grows, so does your harem – a curated collection of talented and captivating individuals. The game explores the complexities of desire, showcasing a spectrum of sexualities and preferences. Building trust and fostering connection with your courtesans is not just about loyalty, it unlocks their full potential, both in the bedroom and the boardroom.

Brothel Megacorporation” isn’t afraid to delve into the darker sides of ambition. The world of Epifania is a ruthless one, where success is often measured in cold cash and whispered secrets. Will you navigate the treacherous landscape with cunning and charm, or will you resort to manipulation and ruthless tactics? The choice, and the pleasure, are yours.

Ready to build your pleasure empire? Dive into “Brothel Megacorporation” and discover a world where indulgence fuels ambition, and where every encounter is a strategic game of desire.


-Rank A training for Zoe, Nicole, Ayaka. (24 new animations)
-New “Special Cow” status screen added to the milk farm
-Fix for Denise-Julia rank A mix-up and other bugs
-New Denise repeatable animation in the club

-Rank A training for Julia and Denise (16 animations)
-2 Specialisations paths for Julia: Porn, Breeding
-New expertise events for Julia and Caroline
-Fixed bug where climax animations and other cutscenes would not be displayed for some players.
-Sauna is now correctly displayed as being purchased.
-Other Bugfixes.

-Rank A progression for Caroline (8 new training animations)
-6 unique porn and breeding specialisation events for Caroline
-Breeding specialisation training with the Doctor (Tutor)
-New Room interaction for Caroline (Breeding specialisation events)
-New expertise menu
-New STATS screen after promoting a Rank A courtesan

-Acting lessons with the Witch: 4 Events (optional)
-New threesome event for Sophia + Shannon
-Breeding content now available for The Pianist
-“Observe Nancy”: New event chain at the milk farm (3 timed events)
-Tweaked requirements for the first Witch event
-Fixes for vacation and contraception errors and other bugs

– Continuation of the Witch story
– New district: Victorie Avenue
– New (optional) courtesan: The Troupe Leader. Full progression to rank B.
– New gameplay mechanic: The Auction (+cheat available)

-Story event added for the Witch during corporate meeting
-New special solo animation for Julia in the reception
-Degenerate games added to the Casino: Breeding Roulette and Mystery Cum Donut
-Content Poll: Breeding room content for Denise, Hannah + an alternative breeding scene for The Doctor
-Added loading screen
-New contraceptives option for Corporate Wives
-Fixed raid stats being displayed incorrectly

-New District: Oriental Town
-New special employee: Ellie, the spa therapist
-New Facility: Spa
-New Upgrades: Bathhouse, Sauna
-New raid available at Abdel Heights (optional)
-Caroline: Remake for 2 training animation sequences
-Overhaul for Caroline’s first evaluation event
-Fixed Piano cost error
-Fixed bug that caused some courtesans to not earn daily revenue
-Removed wallet money cap

-New optional District: Abdel Heights (req. Breeding Room upgrade)
-Special Employee: Nancy
-Private ranch: Milk Factory upgrade
-Pregnant courtesans can be milked
-Daisy, the milk cow, event chain
-New repeatable event for Shannon + Sophia
-Performance/optimization improvement by clearing useless data whenever player sleeps
-MCT in wallet now capped at 1 trillion
-Money cheat: it now sets your total money to 10 billion MCT
-New cheat: Bypass Raids: instantly win raids with this cheat activated

Installation Guide

1. Extract and run.

Developer Notes – SubscribeStar – Patreon – Discord
I wish there were more brothel simulation games out there, that’s why I decided to create my own. The greatest challenge in the development of this title is in creating a balanced game. Not too easy, not too hard, and not too grindy. There is obviously some grinding involved since this is a training game, but I try to make it less repetitive by having a decent amount of girls and by promoting variety through some in-game mechanics (training different girls in different skills is more efficient than training the exact same thing over and over).

You can help the development of this game by leaving feedback in this thread or in the Discord, be it bug reports or criticism regarding art, sound, gameplay, etc…


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